The Welsh, post-hardcore band released their new single yesterday, with it already reaching 12K views within 21 hours. Dream State currently have two EP's released, along with their exciting debut album, 'Primrose Path', that was released just over a year ago.
We've seen with the band's previous music, the brutal openness and honesty of the lead singer, CJ Gilpin, and it seems their new single is no exception. The lyrics are powerful and exposing, covering topics of trauma, depression and addiction. CJ's hard-hitting lyrics are a source of truth, acting as a relatable comfort blanket for the band's fans.
Their new song 'Monsters' is our first glimpse at the new EP, set to be released in the first half of 2021. With the greatness of this single, it's safe to say we wish the EP was coming sooner!
Not only did the band reveal the upcoming EP, they also shared the news that drummer Jamie Lee has departed from the band, of course, on good terms, with Dream State wishing him well.
In regard to their new single, CJ says "Monsters is an expression of the inner goddess in me and is about the acceptance of my messy, chaotic energy; the owning and surrendering to who and what I am. It's an awakening and I am saying, ' I am okay with who I am and I will not be misled anymore'. It has taken lifetimes to get here". Without a doubt, CJ Gilpin's acceptance of herself, and openness about mental illness has her pined as an inspiring artist.
The music video accurately suited the subject matter of the song, and seemed like a great addition to the, already incredible, new single. Here at ALTESCAPE_ we can't wait for the exciting, new EP coming soon and we praise the band on their representation of real issues that pollute our minds.