Today, LOXZ has released their breakout debut EP, 'Third Eye'. Creator and frontwoman, Lauren Woodfield, spoke to ALTESCAPE_ about all things 'Third Eye', the inspiration behind 'Lesbian Moshpit' and her journey as an emerging artist.

The 5 track EP possesses everything one could want or need; from empowerment and revolution, to love and heartache. Lauren expressed that the EP 'has been in the works for a little while', 'a few of the tracks on the EP have been in development for years, whilst others were written a few weeks ago'. LOXZ approaches 'Third Eye' with an experimental vision, heavily utilising aspects of punk, whilst emerging with a wholly unique sound.

Initially influenced by grunge bands including, 'Nirvana, Hole and L7', to more contemporary artists, namely, 'Wolf Alice', LOXZ fuses a flurry of genres from punk and grunge to indie and psychedelia. Lauren confessed her obsession with grunge in her teen years, as she expressed: 'I just love how raw and effortless grunge music is, Kurt Cobain could sit there and write about monkeys and lettuce, and it would still be a hit'. Regarding her more recent inspiration, Wolf Alice, Lauren explained that 'they have such a unique sound and raw edge to their music which has inspired me to infuse other genres like indie and psychedelia with my own music'.
Opening up the EP, LOXZ slams us into 'PS. I Love You Theresa': disguised as a love story, but at the core a satirical and sarcastic song for our ex-prime minister, Theresa May. Thundering in with a classic punk riff, driving drums, and desperately sarcastic, teasing vocals, 'PS. I Love You Theresa' begs to be played live. This track was written 'way back in 2017' 'with Karishma Kaur who is currently in Southampton based band Heart and Sol'. According to Lauren, 'when me and Krish (Karishma Kaur) started writing the lyrics we had a clear idea of what the song was going to be about, but we wanted to leave it open for interpretation.' Upon hearing the track, one may be left confused: a love song or a critique. I was glad when LOXZ provided clarity.

Next up, is a favourite from the EP, ‘Lesbian Moshpit'. Having already seen this track performed by emerging Birmingham based outfit Veg, I was prepped for the track’s untameable energy. A journey of empowerment, euphoria, and acceptance, who wouldn't want to be in one of LOXZ's 'Lesbian Moshpits'. Lauren detailed that this song spawned from the first gig that she played as LOXZ: 'there was a Moshpit full of girls'. 'The funny thing is a lot of them who were moshing are my friends who identify as LGBTQ+ so the song was written based on that experience and its basically just a gay anthem for all the lesbians who love to mosh'. There is no doubt that this track is a gay anthem, and any mosh that makes a space for girls and the LGBTQ+ community, is a mosh to head straight into with an open heart and full of energy.
Mid way through the EP, comes the song that the release revolves around, arguably, the song that defines LOXZ's sound: 'Third Eye'. This track is Lauren's personal favourite and her proudest moment on the EP. The mystery and revolt of this track, harmonies combined with a definite punk sound, brands LOXZ as a refreshing and exhilarating newcomer to the Birmingham scene. Released on the 20th of May, here’s what Lauren had to say about the track: 'it was the first song I wrote for LOXZ, and it ultimately helped me craft my sound. I feel like it resonates the most with what LOXZ is about to people and the song has given me so many opportunities since I wrote it'.

Next up, a love song, or perhaps a song of desperation and heartache. ‘MAGGIE!’ seems to detail love troubles, a narrative of desperation, confessions, and a need for reciprocated love. Along with ‘PS. I Love You Theresa’, this track was written way back in 2017, ‘with Karishma Kaur’. These two tracks are the only tracks off the EP that are co-written; Lauren outlined that: ‘The process was quite long-winded as I wrote all the chords, lyrics, harmonies, and melodies for each song aside from P.S I Love You Theresa and MAGGIE! Which I co-wrote with Krish’.
Speaking more on the process of creating ‘Third Eye’, Lauren expressed that: ‘I’ve always had a DIY attitude when it comes to my music, so for the EP I decided to record and mix/master the tracks myself’. Astonishingly, Lauren also picked up the drums ‘about 3 weeks ago’, and she has hence played in all the drum tracks by herself. The entire process for the EP comes across as very personal and Lauren hopes to keep this DIY attitude for future releases. ‘I recorded the tracks at my home studio, which was a much more comfortable environment for me to work in and get my writing skills flowing as best as they could. Honestly, it took a lot of time, blood, sweat and tears to get it to where it is now but I am so excited for everyone to hear the outcome and to finally have a little break’.
The final track on the EP is ‘Lemonade’. Catchy and full of movement, this song begs to be a sung along. Layered vocals and bouncy lyrics ‘you drink cherryade... but I prefer lemonade’ force movement from the listener. This final track resonates the overall feelings after hearing the EP: a need to hear it live...
Discussing her journey as an artist, Lauren tiptoed into the world of music at the age of just 12 years old, when she began writing her own songs. ' I taught myself to play the piano at 13 and then later taught myself the bass at 15 and picked up the guitar around 16 years old. It was during my teens where I gained an interest in production, so I made beats after school and tried to wrap my head around different music DAWs'. After playing guitar and duetting with her older brother, Lauren outlined that: 'gradually I started to realise that there was nothing else I could see myself doing aside from music, and more than anything playing, writing, and singing was the driving force behind my happiness’.

After being pulled further into the industry during college years, Lauren found herself playing more and more shows, as both a ‘session musician and busker’. Lauren played her first debut show as LOXZ in November 2021, at Birmingham’s beloved venue, Subside. Thanks to Surprise Your Dead promotions, she was honoured with a headline slot for her very first show. Regarding this show, she said: ‘I think it will always hold a special place in my heart.’ Another favourite venue of Lauren’s, and a place to catch LOXZ live, is The Vic, in Birmingham: ‘the atmosphere never fails to disappoint. The audience is always energetic, the drinks taste good, and the staff are always friendly.’ Similar to Subside, the venue is intimate, hence encouraging full participation and connection with the crowd.
After releasing ‘Third Eye’, there is still much to look forward to from LOXZ... ‘My plans are to play the songs as much as possible at various live venues in Birmingham, with the hopes to branch out further’. To make things even better, Lauren confessed that she is currently in the process of creating a music video for ‘Lesbian Moshpit’, which will optimistically be out in the coming months.
If you are desperate to see LOXZ live, you can hopefully catch them playing local venues from the end of July, through to August.

You can stream ‘Third Eye’ now on all major streaming platforms:
You can also find LOXZ through the socials below:
Twitter: @LOXZMusic
TikTok: @loxzmusic
Be sure to have a listen to ‘Third Eye’ now, and look out for future releases!