Taking on The Sunflower Lounge, Do Yourself A Favour hosted another excellent event with headliners PIP and support from Jazzcat and Homebread on the 11th of October. A wonderful turnout for a selection of wonderful bands. The night blended an array of fluidity, emotion, passion and connectivity. Showcasing the beautiful sounds of indie and transcendent alternative emo, the night fluttered by swiftly leaving the audience’s ears blessed.

First on the line-up, Homebread. Refreshing, wholesome, and emotive, Homebread are a 3- piece outfit that lend themselves to the sounds of pop-punk, indie and emo-acoustic. A bubbling, nervous energy trickles down from the stage, plunging the audience into a subtle anxiety of what’s to come. Reassured by wholesome smiles and then treated to the relaxed indie sounds of the outfit, Homebread warmed us into the night comfortably. The sheer emotion of this band brands them as no other than Mid- West Emo and it was refreshing to see an upcoming group toying with this genre and bringing it to the local scene. Homebread played an intense, emotional version of Blink 182’s ‘Adam’s Song’ and showcased the emotional pain that fuels this band. As a relatively new band, Homebread are yet to have any original tracks released, but we hope to see more of the outfit playing live in Birmingham soon.

Next up was Jazzcat, an ALTESCAPE favourite. Dancey indie guitar riffs, cheeky, genuine smiles, and undoubted uplifting energy, Jazzcat are a band that can’t help but make you smile when they get on stage. Bouncing with giddy, indie vigour, Jazzcat move with confidence and ease on stage, lulling their audience into an atmosphere of euphoria and contentment. Jazzcat’s set blended a couple of superbly chosen covers, alongside a mix of Jazzcat originals. As usual, a favourite from the outfit’s set had to be their cover of ‘What Once Was’ by Her’s. This track just happens to tie in so perfectly with Jazzcat’s unique sound. With a good handful of original songs in the band’s set, we can only hope that there will be an EP released soon, or at least a single. Don’t keep us waiting for too long Jazzcat...

Finally, Pip... Incredible. I have never heard anything like this band before, and their sound has been living in my mind for weeks after seeing them live. After seeing them perform, I felt like I had to let their sound settle in my mind before writing about them, and honestly, I still can’t do this band justice. The second you get the chance to see this band live, take it. I promise it’ll be worth it.
Bringing the sounds of Emo to the Midlands, blending intricate indie guitar, harmonising vocals, and thought-provoking lyrics, Pip lay everything down on the table exposing themselves for their true emotions and real sound. The beauty of Pip is their neglect of conventional genre restraints and their complete blending and blurring of different sounds which makes for an ultimately beautiful, raw and honest sound. Some of my favourite aspects of Pip’s set were the harmonising vocals between Isabelle and Fi, contrasting with the harsh vocal work of Ned taking on hardcore elements. With two singles currently released, including their debut track ‘alforgetti spaghetti’ and their recent release ‘june’, you can catch the band on all major streaming platforms. There may be hints of an EP coming out in the near future, so keep an eye out for this band... You can find out more about Pip and the possibility of new music in our upcoming interview.
You can find out more about all the bands below:
Homebread: Instagram
Jazzcat: Instagram
All photos taken by Kye – Rock'In Events