The Devil’s Dog hides away on a dark Digbeth corner, some may not even know it’s there, and yet the minute you walk around that corner you are greeted by a heaving smoking area, and surges of long hair and battle jackets. As with most nights at this venue, the floor space is immediately flooded with punters, and fans are milling around, twiddling their thumbs awaiting the first band. Doors open at 7pm, and by 7.30pm The Devil’s Dog is swarming with fans, and I’m convinced there’s no way more people can squeeze through the door.

Spitting Teeth Photos Taken by: Ophelia
We sink a drink to settle the nervous anticipation, and then we wait. First up is Spitting Teeth; Birmingham born hardcore outfit. The 5-piece move with assured confidence and steadfast strength onto the stage: each band member is visually interesting and holds established space on stage. Spitting Teeth perform as a well-oiled machine, churning out live renditions of original tracks: each with character, and intensity. Despite being a brutal hardcore band, Spitting Teeth have a graceful, naturally synchronised nature as they perform.

Not only this, but, contrastingly to the arrogant and brutish appearance of the lead vocalist (bare chest and face concealed with a balaclava) there is a subtle vulnerability that shines through, particularly as they introduce and perform ‘Rose’ dedicated to the lead vocalist’s daughter. Only performing a short, introductory set, I would be very interested to get to see Spitting Teeth as a headline feature- exploring their full potential and roiling up all pent-up energy and aggression. The band’s frontman gives a gracious and appreciative nod to the outfit’s drummer, exclaiming that he had been thrown savagely into the deep end having learnt the set in an intense and short amount of time. Knowing this, only made Spitting Teeth’s performance more impressive, as
the band’s set flowed and provoked the audience with such natural fluidity.

Keeping with the tone of Birmingham born hardcore, next up is Cauldron. Notorious in Birmingham’s hardcore and metal scene, Cauldron have a reputation as one of Birmingham’s ones to watch. Perhaps due to this pre-conceived expectation of Cauldron’s ability, I admittedly found myself slightly disappointed by the outfit’s live performance. Having indulged in the band’s latest album release ‘Suicide in the City’, I found myself much preferring the recorded version of Cauldron to the live version. Stirring up a savage mosh and brutalising the crowd with fat riffs and persistent hardcore drums, Cauldron’s instrumental performance
was one to revel in however.

Cauldron’s lead vocalist bounced between masterful screams and less refined clean vocals. In this live setting, it was the clean vocals on Cauldron’s set that appeared to pull down the quality of performance. On the other hand, though, I do have to give props to Cauldron for commandeering and entertaining such a feral crowd. It was both amusing and intriguing to watch as fans and crew members stole the mic for moments of glory and catapulted themselves off stage.
Cauldron Photos Taken by: Conrad

After a brief moment of fresh air outside, we return to an even fuller venue. Cramming ourselves into any miniscule floor space that we can find, we wait. The venue has a growing stench of sweat and alcohol, with the floor growing increasingly slippery and treacherous, things are only about to get much worse. The Portland hardcore titans, Dying Wish, find their place on stage introducing themselves momentarily, and then throwing themselves full force into their set. The outfit has utter control over the audience, drawing us in and conducting orchestrated circle pits as if they are puppeteers and we are just their puppets.

Lead vocalist Emma Boster takes the stage in bedazzled, sparkly pink boots, and a glistening mini skirt- this is her moment, and we are all just living through it. Sirenesque, tormenting vocals spill out of Emma Boster as she marches around overlooking the merciless mosh that unfolds before her. This band has immense power on stage and it’s enthralling to watch as they spotlight their latest album ‘Symptoms of Survival’. We are held in place by the seething crowd, so crammed in that we virtually move as one being. It’s only on the last track of Dying Wish’s set that we get to break through and experience the central mosh.
Dying Wish Photos taken by: Ophelia.
You can now listen to Dying Wish’s latest album ‘Symptoms of Survival’, released November 2023, on all streaming platforms.