ALTESCAPE_ had the pleasure of speaking to Apava's vocalist, Dominik Zischka, back when the band released their first single 'Broken Faces', in November 2020. Now we have spoken to Dominik once again regarding the band's latest track, 'Venom'.
Since last speaking to Apava, the band's dynamic has faced a few changes, the most significant being: the completion of the full band. Back in November 2020, Apava was composed of 3 members, now the group has 6 members: vocalists, Dominik Zischka and Christoph Polke, guitarists, Tassilo Nippold and Hanno Bielz, drummer, Raphael Hehn, and bassist, Kevin Sabottka. The addition of the new members, according to Dominik has assisted the band in 'developing in a positive direction', and in their new track 'Venom' you can definitely hear the fullness of the band and the refined perfection of their unique style.
'Venom' was released just last week, March 17th, and the track is the first full song the completed band has put out. Asking Dominik what fuelled the lyrics for the song, he regarded that 'venom is about depression, how it's like a poison that takes over us, leaving us sick from the inside out. It's there even when we can't see it and it destroys us'. Dominik wrote the lyrics from his own personal experience battling through depression; he declared that the lyrics for this song were a form of treatment for him.
The track was not something the band had in the works for a long time, instead 'Venom' was written in a single evening. With both vocalists, Dominik and Christoph, ready to record in the studio, they worked together with the other members via Skype and phone call, and were able to lay out the full song in 'one evening'.
Comparing 'Venom' to the likes of Apava's first single, 'Broken Faces', it is evident that the vocal work in the track has taken on a much heavier style, with the predominant use of screams and growls and the absence of clean vocals. Regarding whether the band's future releases will continue to lack clean vocals, taking on heavier vocal work, Dominik said that the music will most likely be much heavier, yet involve influences that can please everyone.
With the current global pandemic, it is interesting to find out how artists have continued to be so productive in their careers with so many imposed restrictions. Discussing how Apava have managed to get together to record their latest release, Dominik regarded that: 'I have my own studio, I can go there anytime with the other singer to record'. In terms of including input from the other members, there are frequent discussions via Skype, and each member then records their own part and eventually, a full song is produced.
For Apava, live shows are something that are definitely on the cards in the near future. Dominik was hesitant to reveal too much information about any upcoming live shows; his main response was to 'wait and see'. However, he also added that the band do have some things already planned, it is unknown whether these plans will be virtual shows or actually live shows- which would most likely take place at some point in the summer months.
Finally, I wanted to discover Dominik's perspective of the new track, he said that: 'so far it's my absolute favourite song because we as a band worked completely on this song and we finally found our style with it!'
Check out Apava's latest single 'Venom' now below, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!