The concept of an NFT is still relatively new in the world of music and artwork. But in the era of the developing metaverse, it only seems appropriate that musicians and artists alike get involved to stay relevant.
An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) can be defined as a unique, digital asset that represents ownership of real-world items such as: art, video, and music. Much like Crypto currency, NFT’s use blockchain technology.
Frank Carter and Dean Richardson, of Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes, have launched an ‘eco-friendly NFT’. The piece is named ‘Vita Brevis’ and will be the first in a collection of many by the pair. Frank and Dean are working alongside the eco-friendly platform ‘Serenade’. The platform brands itself ‘the marketplace for eco-friendly digital music collectibles’- the ideal place for the pairs adventure into digital art.
Speaking on the release of their digital creation, the pair outlined that ‘Life is short, this NFT will last longer’... ‘A single skull, doomed to float in the ether for eternity, acts as the canvas to a kaleidoscope of real-world colour and texture painted by hand on earth and painstakingly scanned and digitally converted so it can live forever in our hearts and minds and screens’.

A snippet of 'Vita Brevis'.
The creation’s title is a Latin translation for the ideology that ‘skilfulness takes time and life is short’; seemingly contradictory to the format in which Frank Carter and Dean Richardson’s artwork exists- in a universe that enables expert skill, yet supposedly lasts eternally.
Predictions suggest that NFTs will be a massive sensation in future years, and it’s exciting that Frank and Dean are to dabbling in the digital, artwork universe.
The highest bid on ‘Vita Brevis’ is currently £530, you can bid on the piece via this link... https://serenade.co/user/candr